Specialist Reference Groups

CILEX Specialist Reference Groups
CILEX operates a series of virtual Specialist Reference Groups (SRGs) to assist us in representing our members’ interests. These groups are free for members to join and cover both protected characteristics and various practice areas.
CILEX members of all grades are invited to join these groups applicable to their profile or areas of specialism. Through them, members shall receive monthly newsletters containing relevant updates and information on policy and practice, as well as the opportunity to provide us with your thoughts and opinions directly, via email or online surveys on specific matters. These will then be utilised to help develop CILEX’s policy positions and knowledge base, and allow us to have a greater understanding of the needs of our members.
CILEX operates 17 SRGs, all of which can be found listed in the Join a CILEX Specialist Reference Group Form below.
Specialist Reference Group Advisers
A CILEX SRG Adviser is a voluntary role open to members of the relevant CILEX SRG. Our Advisers play a critical role in providing advice, guidance and views on specific matters relating to their specialist area of legal practice to help inform CILEX’S wider policy work and practice advice. Advisers also have the opportunity to progress to joining the CILEX Professional Board.
CILEX Advisers attend meetings or events on behalf of us and ensure that important topics discussed consider the impacts or benefits towards our members. Our Advisers also contribute insightful articles to CILEX’s monthly SRG newsletters. These articles can cover a recent meeting they attended or a topic of passion to them that is of benefit to members of their SRG and beyond.
You can join any of these groups using the form below.
If you have any queries please see our Reference Group FAQs below.
Reference Group FAQs
Who can join?
We welcome CILEX members of any grade to join the specialist reference groups that match their profile, area of specialism, or interest.
If the Specialist Reference Group is for a particular practice area, you do not have to have achieved your qualification in the area yet, but it is preferred that you are practising or specialising in that field.
If the Specialist Reference Group is a forum for particular groups (i.e. for disabled, LGBT, or BAME members), these groups are open to any members that self-identify.
How do I join?
If you are interested in joining please email the respective email address for the reference group you are interested in joining with your details.
How do reference groups work?
You will be added to the mailing list for the specialist reference group, and will receive emails at the next opportunity for contributions. We would also be pleased to hear from you if there are specific issues related to your specialism that you wish to bring to our attention.
Each reference group will be coordinated by a member of CILEX staff, and some groups will have members act as an ambassador or spokesperson from time to time.
How much of my time will it take?
CILEX will email specialist reference groups with topics as they arise, and we will not contact you unnecessarily. This is unlikely to be more than once a month, unless there is a particular need for input ahead of discussions with government or other stakeholders, or if we are finalising a consultation response, for example.
You are not obliged to respond on every single issue, but we do ask for members to be active.
Will my views be treated in confidence?
In most instances members should treat their submissions as if they are to be made public, to enable CILEX to utilise them in advocating for policy positions, or formulating consultation responses etc. We would contact you in advance however before publishing a specific named attribution.
There may be circumstances where member views will be anonymised when being made public, and this will be made clear at the time of seeking contributions.
Will my personal data be treated in confidence?
Your personal data will be handled in line with CILEX’s Privacy Statement. There may be occasions where your contribution is made public, but personal contact details will not be disclosed to third parties.
How do I leave a group?
You can leave, or re-join, at any time by emailing the Group Coordinator, or you can leave by clicking on the Unsubscribe Button on the emails you receive and completing a form with your email address or CILEX Membership Number. CILEX reserves the right to remove reference group members if their CILEX membership lapses or in other appropriate circumstances
Thank you again for your interest. We look forward to your participation.