Our proposal to change independent regulation
CILEX has announced a review of its delegated regulatory arrangements. This follows an independent validation of its analysis in a ‘case for change’ which identified possibilities for improving and enhancing regulation in the public interest. Former LSB CEO Chris Kenny confirmed there was a case for further investigation of the feasibility of reform.
As a first step, CILEX has initiated formal talks with the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) to explore the feasibility of a potential option to transfer the regulation of CILEX members to the SRA.
CILEX will also consider any proposals put forward by CILEX Regulation (CRL) to amend their model of delegation in light of the Case for Change.
Following the review, should a change ultimately be agreed upon and an application made to the Legal Services Board the process will take time. No changes will be made this year.
In considering any potential future model, the Board will ensure that the distinct identity of CILEX Lawyers, CILEX Paralegals and CILEX Advanced Paralegals would be preserved, as would the CILEX route to qualification. Membership of CILEX would also be unchanged.
This web page is where we will share the most up to date information.
You can find, amongst other things, our Case for Change document detailing our full rationale, the independent report produced by Chris Kenny and a detailed FAQs document. We urge you to read these.
Our review of the delegation does not affect the existing regulatory arrangements, including the need to comply with CRL’s Code of Conduct and rules which remain in full effect.