Membership grades and fees

Membership Grades and Fees

The CILEX subscription year runs from 1 January to 31 December each year. Depending on when you join during the membership year, the fee will be calculated on a pro-rata basis from the month of registration to 31 December.

Note: There is a non-refundable registration fee of £40 payable in addition to the fees.

Membership Grade 2025 fees
CILEX Student £145
CILEX Member – Paralegal £230
CILEX Member – Advanced Paralegal  £270
CILEX Fellow £387
CILEX Fellow (Maternity/Paternity, Dual Qualified or Non-Practising) £45
CILEX Associate Prosecutor £45*
CILEX Affiliate Membership £45

You will find a detailed breakdown of the eligibility criteria for each of the member grades in the member regulations.

* This is the membership fee applicable for Associate Prosecutors. There is also a requirement to purchase the Practising Certificate (which will be payable by the CPS) separately for a fee (see below).

Membership grade
Requirements for the grade

Fees for first-time registrations (2025)

CILEX Student
For those wishing to enter the legal profession; those who have no relevant legal qualification, and is currently studying on the Foundation Stage of the CILEX Professional Qualification (CPQ).
• £40 registration fee
• £145 annual membership fee

CILEX Member – Paralegal For those who have completed their CILEX Level 3 Professional Diploma in Law and Practice, or who are graduates with Qualifying Law Degrees, or who have completed the Foundation Stage of the CILEX Professional Qualification (CPQ). CILEX Member – Paralegal members will be entitled to use the designatory letters ACILEX after their name (previously known as an Associate member).

• £40 registration fee
• £214 exemption fee
• £230 annual membership fee

CILEX Member – Advanced Paralegal
For those who have completed both their CILEX Level 3 Professional Diploma in Law and Practice and their CILEX Level 6 Professional Higher Diploma in Law and Practice; or who are Legal Practice Course (LPC) or Bar Professional Training Course (BPC, formerly the Bar Vocational Course or BVC) graduates, or has completed the Advanced Stage of the CILEX Professional Qualification (CPQ). CILEX Member – Advanced Paralegal members will be entitled to use the designatory letters MCILEX after their name (previously known as a Graduate member (GCILEX). 

• £40 registration fee
• £428 exemption fee
• £270 annual membership fee

CILEX Fellow Member
For those who have successfully completed the academic stage of training and have successfully met the regulator’s requirement and are authorised by CILEx Regulation.
• £387 applicable Practising Certificate fee
Application fees for QE and WBL apply in order to obtain this grade of membership

CILEX Fellow – Maternity / Paternity
For those Fellows who are currently on maternity or paternity leave
• £45 annual membership fee

CILEX Fellow – Non-Practising
For those Fellows are taking a break from employment, or not acting as a Chartered Legal Executive in their work, or those who have retired as a Fellow
 • £45 annual membership fee
CILEX Fellow – Dual Qualified 
For those Fellows who are also authorised by another approved regulator as they have cross qualified
 • £45 annual membership fee
CILEX Lawyer – Dual Qualified 
For those Fellows who are authorised by another approved regulator and are entitled to use the title CILEX Lawyer
 • £130 annual membership fee
CILEX Associate Prosecutor For those who are working for the CPS as an Associate Prosecutor. In order to practise as an Associate Prosecutor, there is a requirement to obtain an annual Practising Certificate.
• £40 registration fee
• £45 annual membership fee
• Practising certificate fee £286

CILEX Affiliate Membership For those that have an interest in the legal profession and want to be part of a professional association, or those who have previously been in another grade of membership (not including Fellow), but their circumstances have changed for reasons including, but not limited to, parental leave, period of non-working or retirement. This grade of membership is not intended for those members for whom another grade is appropriate due to their qualifications or work. Affiliate members should not book or sit assessments in this grade.

• £40 registration fee
• £45 annual membership fee

CILEX Companion This is limited to those appointed by the CILEX Board to be CILEX Companions, and will recognise exceptional CILEX practitioners with a proven track record in their own organisations or in their contribution to CILEX.

It is the responsibility of members to ensure that they are always in the appropriate grade. This includes advising us when you are going on maternity/paternity leave, when you return from that leave, when you are no longer practising, or when you return to work after some time off. We are therefore unable to offer any refunds for retrospective membership subscription fees.