Pro Bono Medal 2011
01 June 2012
‘One of the best human rights lawyers in England and Wales’
wins CILEx Pro Bono Medal
At our Annual Presidential Luncheon yesterday, 31 May 2012, The Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (CILEx) awarded its Pro Bono Medal 2011 to a member who has been described as ‘one of the best human rights lawyers in England and Wales’.
Chartered Legal Executive Muhammed Abdul Muid Khan, who is also a barrister, is considered by his nominees as a model of excellence for his colleagues and upon winning a landmark immigration case, where he defended the victim free of charge, the Honorable Immigration Judge Mr. Moulden described him in open court as one of the best human rights lawyers of England and Wales.
CILEx Judges were also impressed by how Mr. Khan undertook various cases and still found time to provide free legal advice at his weekly clinic.
Keith Edgar, from Peveral Group, sponsor of the medal, said: “Mr Khan’s dedication to helping others through his Pro Bono work is both outstanding and inspirational. He also demonstrates that Pro Bono work can be personally rewarding, recently winning a landmark case and being commended for his robust legal arguments. Pro Bono is not just about doing something good once; it’s about an ongoing commitment to helping others. In his field, Mr. Khan delivers that ongoing commitment in spades.”
CILEx President, Susan Silver, echoed the praise: “Mr. Khan is an inspiration to lawyers everywhere. He typifies what Pro Bono work is all about and is a credit to CILEx. With access to justice for all now seriously compromised by the LASPO bill, Mr. Khan shows that we can still help the most vulnerable receive the legal support they need and deserve. I am delighted that he has been recognised in this way.”
As the winner of the CILEx Pro Bono Medal, Mr. Kahn will receive a commemorative trophy and certificate, as well as a cheque of £750 which goes to his charity of choice The Prince’s Trust.
CILEx also wanted to highlight one other nominee who carries out significant Pro Bono work internationally in relation to the illegal trade in Tigers and other Asian Big Cats. Chartered Legal Executive Richard Hargreaves has worked tirelessly to draft wildlife protection law and support wildlife NGOs in their campaigns to protect endangered species.
Picture shows winner with medal judges: (l-r) Philip Warford, Muhammed Abdul Muid Khan, Phillip Partridge and Keith Edgar.