ILEX members birthday honour

Royal Birthday Honour For Legal Executive

24 June 2008 pr024.08

Jenny Cannon, a Legal Executive lawyer with the London law firm Farrer & Co, has been honoured with an MVO (Member of the Royal Victorian Order) in the Queen’s Birthday Honours.

The award, which is in the personal gift of the sovereign, is normally granted in recognition of service to the Royal household. Jenny is thought to be the first member to receive this honour since the Institute was founded in 1963.

Jenny, a Fellow of the Institute since 1974, has worked for Farrer & Co, one of London oldest law firms, for 35 years. She is a member of the private client team there, specialising in the taxation and administration of a wide variety of trusts, including some private charities, for a number of high-profile clients.

“This was totally unexpected,” said Jenny. “I had no idea that this was to happen until I received the letter from the Palace, but I am absolutely thrilled and delighted.”

ILEX President Lesley Graham said that she was sure every member of ILEX would join her in congratulating Jenny. “This is a tremendous honour for Jenny,” she continued, “And personal recognition of the excellent work she does for her clients. I believe it is also a sign of the growing importance of the role that Legal Executives are now playing in the legal profession.”

The Royal Victorian Order was founded in April 1896 by Queen Victoria as a way of rewarding personal service to her, on her own initiative rather than by ministerial recommendation. It is expected that the MVO will be presented to Jenny at Buckingham Palace later in the year.
