Justice Week 2020 – Parliamentary Drop-in
Wednesday 26 February 2020
Parliamentary drop-in

Justice Week 2020 runs from Monday 24th to Friday 28th February. The aim of Justice Week 2020 is to improve access to justice by boosting the profile of justice and the rule of law, placing them at the centre stage of public and political debate.
Justice and the rule of law are facing major threats, from cuts to spending to attacks on the judiciary. This undermines our democracy.
It’s essential for young people to:
- understand the importance of the justice system
- value the rule of law
- see justice and the rule of law as fundamental to our lives and freedoms
From schools to the media, our institutions still have work to do when it comes to scrutinising and promoting the world of law and making it easier to understand.
Justice Week is a unique opportunity for organisations to highlight their work to promote the importance of the rule of law to young people.
At a time of widespread discussion about citizens’ rights and obligations, the role of Parliament and the rule of law, Justice Week activities will boost young people’s support and understanding of the justice system in England and Wales.
This Justice Week will see podcasts and other online resources, as well as a series of events held across the country, and a lesson which will take place in a number of schools focusing on how our justice system works.
About Justice Week
Justice week was first held in 2018, and is championed by the Bar Council, the Law Society and the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives.
For more information from the organisations involved in Justice Week, please get in touch:
CILEx – Sharon Bruty [email protected] 01234 845721
The Law Society – Joe Ferreira [email protected] 0208 049 3903
The Bar Council – Nikita Feifel [email protected] 020 7611 1368