Expressions of interest invite
Expressions of interest invited for Legal Education Review
Expressions of interest are invited for a review of the current legal education and training system for lawyers in England and Wales, which is being jointly commissioned by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), the Bar Standards Board (BSB) and the Institute of Legal Executives Professional Standards (IPS).
The review is designed to ensure that the ethical standards and levels of competence of those delivering legal services in regulated law firms are sufficient to secure a high standard of service for clients, and to support the public interest and the rule of law. The findings will build on, and feed into, the regulators’ existing projects in this area.
The successful contractor will research and analyse the current legal education and training system in England and Wales and internationally as well as systems for comparative sectors and professions. They will examine:
- The educational requirements placed upon individuals entering the sector (including programmes and pathways to professional qualification) and their regulatory function.
- The requirements for continuing education for individuals and entities (including Continuing Professional Development, accreditation and other quality assurance schemes).
- The requirements placed upon those delivering approved education to individuals and entities.
Antony Townsend, Chief Executive of the SRA, said: “This is a major collaborative project involving a fundamental review of the legal education and training requirements by all three regulators, to ensure that we have a system which is fit for purpose as well one which is flexible and responsive to a changing market.
“The scope of the review will be wide-ranging and will examine both regulated and non-regulated legal services. It will look at the likely shape of, and demands on, legal services by 2020 and the impact this will have on the profile of the legal services workforce.
“Ultimately, we are looking to fulfil the objectives set out in the Legal Services Act to have a legal education and training system which protects and promotes the interests of consumers and will create an independent, strong, diverse and effective legal profession.”
Further information regarding the review is available from 2020. Suppliers with the knowledge, experience and capability to provide the range of research expertise necessary to undertake the review should email by the deadline of 1700 hours on Tuesday, 8 February 2011. The review is due to start in early April 2011 and be completed by November 2012.
Posted 21.01.11