Consultation 25.08

25.08 Civil Bid Rounds for 2010 Contracts

The current civil Unified Contract is due to expire in 2010. The Legal Services Commission is now consulting on the bid criteria and award process for civil contracts from 2010. The consultation focuses on proposals for:

  • The types of service the LSC wants to buy;
  • Where services are delivered from;
  • Procedure to be adopted to invite tenders for new contracts;
  • Changes to the scope of funding, including changes to payment for experts; and
  • Key amendments to the contract terms (covering crime and civil Standard Terms).

The consultation seeks questions on all civil categories of law. However, respondents are asked to answer those questions that are relevant to them – any others can be left unanswered.

This consultation runs from 31 Oct 2008 at 12:00 until 23 Jan 2009.

The consultation paper can be accessed by the LSC website via the following link: