Consultation 17.08
17.08 Administrative Redress: Public Bodies and the Citizen
The Law Commission has set out for consultation the above paper, which asks the question: when and how should the individual be able to obtain redress from the public body that has acted in a substandard manner?
The aim of the project is to examine the mechanisms through which claimants can obtain redress from public bodies for substandard administrative action. This, for example, includes the applicability of public and private law remedies by way of court action and includes redress via a complaint to the public sector ombudsman.
The Law Commission, however, is interested to hear views on any or all aspects of the Consultation Paper; in particular, the paper invites provisional suggestions for reform.
The Consultation Paper and further information about the remit of the Law Commission in respect of this project can be viewed on the Law Commission’s website:
A list of specific consultation questions is contained in Part 7 of the Consultation Paper.
The closing date for responses is 7 November 2008.
ILEX is seeking to respond to the Consultation Paper and would be grateful for any views/observations members may have.